Monday, 27 January 2014

Exercise - England Uncensored - Peter Dench


Images can be seen here ..

For the past ten years Peter Dench has been photographing the antics of the english.  He studied at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art & Design and was inspired by people like Bill Brandt and Tony Ray Jones.

Peter liked the idea of not having to travel to produce his work - getting on a bus to take photos ! and making people laugh and think was a good thing to do with your photos.

He has worked in over 50 countries with a wide range of clients.

Growing up by the sea, he was drawn to Martin Parr look at New Brighton.  (The Last Resort ).  He said the bright colours of the deck chairs and punch and judy reminded him of his childhood.  As it did many I expect .. After experience of working abroad it clarified just how different, fabulous, and at times ridiculous the english are.
His book - England Uncensored - reflects this view.  Its is not simply a compilation of clever photographs, there is a voice within the work, one that offers a social commentary.

 His work Drinking of England was published across 11 pages of the Sunday Times and went on to win a World Press Photo Award.
He was conscious to continue the humour approach with underlying social commentary to themes.  Themes of ethnicity, love, the weather, clothing and food.  Peter says.. the humour disarms the viewer allowing the impact of a more serious image dropped into sequence to be tenfold.

He wanted to record what was familiar to him from his youth, along with things that were not - posh schools, social summer events, jollies and jamborees.  This would create a rounded look at the english both geographically and socially.

Peter made a pilgrimage to New Brighton and re traced some of the photos take by Martin Parr.

Peters work was published in the jubilee year - its important for us as a nation to remember who we really are, wart and all.

Most of the pictures have a humour about them.  Some may feel it as mickey taking, and it is both I suppose.  But it is the eccentric British public do silly humorous things and it is a skill to capture the humour on camera for others to enjoy.  I feel it definitely works, as long as there are some borders to keep to so that people do not become offended by their own image. I should think most people can see the funny side of things.  But care would have to be taken as maybe someone could be sensitive about their 'combover' hairstyle !!

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