Monday, 25 November 2013

Exercise - What is Street Photography


Street Photography is as old as photography itself, 1870s, as soon as cameras became portable
photographers began documenting everything about them.

It used to be studio and landscape photography that paid the bills and it was these that were
artistically recognised.

So what is Street Photography ?

Street photography captures people and places in a public domain.  Street photography is Unposed, unstaged, captures, explores or questions contemporary society.

Its the relationship between individuals and their surroundings.

Street Photography doesn't need to include people, although it usually does.  Situated in public environment which is often urban - this is not exclusive.

Subjects and settings can vary greatly but the key element is of spontaneity.. Careful observation, and
you need to keep an open mind, ready to capture whatever appears in the viewfinder, this is essential.

Another aspect of Street Photography is the sense that the captured scene is unplanned.  Its not to be from a pre planned public event, it doesn't have the same spontaneity... however saying that.. you can find a unplanned situation even at a pre planned event, away on the sidelines.

PUBLIC DOMAIN...  is any public space. ... must be spontaneous, if you alter the subject or the environment in any way then it is no longer street photography.

If someone stands for a photograph, a portrait, on the street it is not street Photography as the person has interacted with the photographer... it could be candid and unposed however, but you would have to be careful if you wanted it to be classed as street photography.

EVENTS.. Photos at an event would be classed as photojournalism, however here again you may
find street photography on the side lines, away from the action, a unique moment.

I looked at the wordpress Street Photography now project, I was really interested at the categories and
also seeing how some people interpreted them, some of them i would know where to start but when you look at other work you gain insirpation.

Possible choices ...

Turn you attention to the four legged population.

Say it with flowers.

The different shades of grey are astonishing.

Surrealism now.

Clashing Colours.

If you can smell the street by looking at the photo, its a street photograph.

Five images ...

Street Photography Web sites ...


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