Monday, 25 November 2013

Exercise - Two Young Footballers

Descriptive prose ......

On first looking at the picture of the two boys I thought they were walking home from football, as normally boys would be kicking the ball all the way if they could, and only carry the ball if they had tired.  But saying that their shorts are very white and no evidence of mud or grass stains.  They are obviously buddies of a similar age and are friends despite the fact they support different teams.  Heads turned in in conversation and they seem very close.  I like the fact they have a ball each.  They wouldn't be playing on the surface they are walking on and they seem totally at ease with their surroundings even though the buildings are derelict.  There is no one else around but I would think they will be joining more friends.  The weather is mild because of their lack of jackets and the ground is dry.  Grey skies - english summer !

From looking at the photograph I can't tell whether it is about the two boys or the surrounding areas.

Denotations - A literal meaning of a word..  The most direct or specific meaning of a word.

Connotation - association which the word evokes ... an idea or feeling which a word evokes for a person in addition to its literal meaning.
Overtone, undertone, undercurrent, suspicion.

Also ..

Core resources : footballBoys.pdf

Read the text ..

  • Does the text relate to your initial deconstruction of the image. If so how?
No not really, the text is all about the surrounding buildings and the demolition of them.  The boys were  only mentioned in the picture text.  Where as for me, I am always drawn to the boys the story should be about them or they should have a tale to tell but the main story is of the buildings.  
  • Does the text change your perception of the image ? If so how ?
Yes I suppose it does - I look further into the image and analyse the buildings more I'm not sure if the boys are even relevant for this article.  It does add to the desolation.  

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