Thursday 23 October 2014

Response to Tutor for Assignment Five

Thank You for your comments on my Assignment 5.

I know I have to include more people but actually I did photograph everyone was that was there that day, I was quite impressed at doing so,  but I shall move forward to try and increase this in future.

I have struggled with my contextual summary mainly, like my essay, because it is something I have never done before and have struggled with whats right and wrong - and wasn't sure how to do it or whats required.  Anyway you have given me some ideas so I shall try and do this and add to my Assignment along with my changes. Now can be seen here ... (File Name : Contextual Summary)

Reading through your comments I shall make some amendments,  I shall remove the reception sign and have a look at cropping the pigeons.

I shall also remove the kittens - which is hard as they are so cute - but your right we need to move on - I want to keep the barn image as it is a main part of the Centre and is where the dogs are kept.   (I shall have a look to see if there is something I prefer and will consider it, maybe )..

Also, the picture you didn't like is the main cattery so I felt it needed to be included as it was a part of the set up there but I appreciate that the picture itself doesn't tell that story.  So again I will look at a replacement.

I shall also look at page / picture numbering ... even reading your notes I see how it would help !!

My Blog is now up to date with the course work and I am still adding other extra bits.. (including David Bailey review )..

Below is the image of the cattery and I was thinking to use one of the other two images.  The first is of the cattery interior which tells more of a story .. or the girl with the slightly unfriendly cat - her favourite - she is wearing her uniform and the picture is taken in the cattery, although you cant really see this from the photo.  I think I shall go with her .. for now !

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