Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Exercise: Listen to Miranda Gavin

Above is the link to Miranda Gavin's video on Documentary.


I listened to Mirada Gavins video on Documentary.. She explains that the name is always changing, although has the same meaning, Reportage, Documentary, photojournalism.. all of these describe storytelling pictures.  Are these words required and are they relevant?  Well I think they are .. for me on my level if I saw a wedding photographer who's style was reportage, I would instantly know that they would be more storytelling pictures rather than the static group photos.  It would definitely help you in making you selection just on this one example.

Miranda says that there are more digital platforms available to help us all in this process making it easier and available to more people.  She also say there are more women taking courses - me being one of them.  I the 80's when I had my wedding it was a very male dominated world.  I also attended courses then which were all men.  I think maybe men are attracted to the equipment and lenses - I don't know if thats true but I don't have the same passion for my lens as my cousin does ... but we both love a good picture. Anyway that may be being sexist but cameras were always boys toys.  Im glad its being enjoyed by women and I do think men and women bring different things to it, I'm sure without even trying to women will produce different work to men, not always, but it can only add to things.  Offering an even bigger variety of photos.

It is also a bit mind boggling and overwhelming with so many ways to take a photo, Compact cameras, SLRs, Ipads and Iphone..  my new phone is 8 mega pixels apparently, and you always have this to hand which is great.  So many people are taking photos - it used to be only people who liked photos that could be bothered to carry their cameras out on an occasion, then you would have to wait to have the pictures developed - sometimes up to a week !!  and of course this would cost you and you wouldn't even know if they were any good - many a time I had a whole reel of rubbished developed.
Now we are taking millions of photos most of them probably rubbish but we are not having them developed / printed.  So who are these photos for ?? who will ever see them.  Even the newspapers are diminishing and so will not need as many photos.

What will happen in the future also - will their be any nostalgic pictures to look back on lets hope the computers keeps them safe.  I also am guilty of this, however I do have a year book that I print at Christmas for the family.

There is also the discussion as to whether documentary is 'Documentary or Art' ??
Its very hard to decide and really it probably has to be the decision of the Photographer - whatever they want to call it... however they see it and it probably is dependant on what the project is. Some projects would lend themselves towards being art and vice versa.
It may also depend on who the viewer is or who you ask for their opinion.

All categories fall into and out of each other, but categories are really a rough guide.

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